Editing concrete portlets

To edit a concrete portlet, open the Portlet Deployment Descriptor, and follow these steps:

  1. In the tree view, expand the concrete portlet application and select the concrete portlet.

  2. Edit the properties of a concrete portlet, as necessary:

    Property Name Description
    Display name Administrative name of the concrete portlet
    Portlet (not editable) Portlet ID assigned for this concrete portlet
    Locale Locales that the portlet supports. Configure the default locale by selecting a locale and the

    Use the selected locale if the client locale cannot be determined option.

    Title Title of the concrete portlet for the selected locale
    Short title Short title of the concrete portlet for the selected locale
    Description Description of the concrete portlet for the selected locale
    Keywords Keywords of the concrete portlet for the selected locale
    Setting Parameters Dynamic configuration parameters of the concrete portlet

  3. To add or remove a locale use the

    Add button or the

    Remove button in the

    Languages group.

  4. To specify the dynamic configuration parameters of the concrete portlet, use the

    Add button or the

    Remove button in the

    Setting Parameters group.