Creating portlets

You can create a portlet and add it to an existing portlet project.

To create a portlet:

  1. Select

    File | New | Other.

  2. In the New dialog box, select

    Portal | Portlet..

    The New Portlet wizard opens.

  3. Select the target portlet project from the

    Project drop down box. Because the portlet is created within the context of a specific project, any portlet that you create will inherit the API type that is associated with the project

  4. Specify a portlet name; select the

    Empty Portlet type.

  5. If you want to accept the default settings for the portlet project, click Finish or to continue with the following steps click Next.

  6. In the Portlet Settings page, define the following items:

    1. type

    2. mode

    3. package prefix

    4. class prefix

    5. super class

    6. locale

    7. adding listeners

    8. preference handling

    9. business process handling

    10. credential vault handling

  7. Click Finish.


Related concepts

Portlet APIs

Markup languages

Creating Struts portlets and projects

Struts portlet applications

Struts Portlet Framework

JavaServer Faces portlet applications

Creating portlets and portlet projects

Web 2.0 support


Related tasks

Portlet applications

Testing and debugging portlets

Inserting images in portlet JSP files

Creating portlet projects (IBM portlet API)

Creating portlet projects

Enabling AJAX proxy support for a portlet project


Related reference

Differences between Struts 1.1 and SPF tag library classes