Creating user interfaces for business processes

After you have added data access to task portlets, the business process message schema is available in the Page Data view, and can be bound to portlet user interface components.

To create user interfaces for business processes::

  1. Open the traget portlet mode JSP file.

  2. Insert user interface controls from either the Page Data view or the Palette (from the

    Faces Components drawer, for example) into the JSP file.


    1. If you drop a message from the Page Data view, the UI controls are created with a binding.

    2. If you used the Palette to insert user interface controls, drag input or output message properties from the Page Data view, and drop them onto the controls that you have added to the page to bind them.

  3. Bind the task completion or process initiation action to a command control.

    1. Add a Command UI control to the JSP file.


      1. If you drop a Page Data node into the JSF page, a Command - Button for the task completion or process initiation action will be created by the wizard.

      2. If you choose to create the control from the Palette, you can also insert a Command - Hyperlink control.

      3. If necessary, drag a task completion or process initiation action (processTask() in the sample Page Data view below) from the Page Data view onto the

        Command UI control.


Related concepts

Process initiation helper classes

Task processing helper classes


Related tasks

Creating a business process portlet project

Enabling business process portlets that use the Basic portlet model

Adding data access to business process portlets

Developing business process portlets

Inserting images in portlet JSP files

Developing business process portlets

Creating a business process portlet project

Adding data access to business process portlets


Related reference

WebSphere Portal Documentation Library