Configuring JSR 286 portlets

This topic provides a brief description of some of the new tabs and fields in the JSR 286 Portlet Deployment Editor.

To configure a JSR 286 portlet, double click on the Portlet Deployment Descriptor (PDD) in the Project Navigator. The PDD editor opens. The JSR 286 PDD has additional tabs for JSR 286 specific properties, such as Events, Render Parameters, Filters, and URL listeners.

This section is a brief description of some of the new tabs and fields in the JSR 286 Portlet Deployment Descriptor Editor.

Render Parameters Tab

It enables you to declare all the public render parameters that are defined for the portlet application.

Filters Tab

It enables you to define all the filters for the portlet application. One filter can apply to multiple portlets.

Events Tab

It enables you to define all the events that are declared for the portlet application.

Runtime options Tab

This enables you to add, edit, or remove all the container runtime options that define additional runtime behavior for the portlet application.

URL Listeners Tab

URL Listeners: This enables you to define URL Listeners for the portlet project in order to filter URLs.

Modes Tab

The following are the new options available in the custom portlet mode tab:

For a description of properties common to both specifications, refer to Configuring JSR 168 portlets