Disabling a cooperative source for a source or target portlet

For a cooperative portlet that acts as both a source and target portlet, it is possible to disable the cooperative source only. The OrderDetail portlet, which sends the tracking id property to other portlets, is used as an example. Perform the following steps:

  1. In the Project Explorer, expand the Portlet Deployment Descriptor.

  2. Expand the portlet for which you want to disable a cooperative source action.

    1. If the user wants to disable the entire source action, right-click on the action, select Delete Action

    2. If the user wants to disable a single data type under a source action, expand the Source Action and right-click on the Data Type you want to disable.

    3. Select Delete Data type.


Related tasks

Disabling a cooperative target for a target portlet

Disabling one of multiple cooperative sources

Disabling one of multiple cooperative targets

Disabling cooperative sources and targets

Enabling cooperative targets

Enabling cooperative sources

Inserting images in portlet JSP files


Related reference

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

WebSphere Portal Information Center

XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes