Generating Struts portlet actions and action mapping codes
The same Action Class wizard that creates regular Struts actions is also used to generate Struts Portlet Framework (SPF) actions. When you select the model appropriate to your project (either the Generic Action or the Struts Portlet Framework Action), the wizard will create the action with the appropriate superclass. Both types of actions generated from the wizard are supported by the appropriate servlet class for the portlet API that you choose for development.
For developing new applications specifically for the portlet environment, the SPF provides a class, ( for a JSR 168 API portlets), that hides some of the servlet details that do not map well to execution in the WebSphere® Portal environment. This class is a subclass of Action. It provides a better execute(ActionMapping, ActionForm, PortletRequest) method, without the response object, and with the
PortletRequest parameter, which is more suitable than
The class also provides sendError methods to eliminate the need for response.sendError.
Related concepts
Creating Struts portlets and projects
Related reference
Differences between Struts 1.1 and SPF tag library classes