Setting positioning preferences for Web page layout

You can set your preferred units of measurement for positioning elements on Web pages.

The default unit of measurement for positioning is pixels. Pixels are useful when you want to anchor an image in a certain place on a page regardless of how the rest of the page is laid out, or when users change their font size. You can also choose other proportional measurement units such as:


the point size or height and width of the element. Em units are adaptable to font sizes of different users.


the x height of the element (half of the font size)


percentage relative to the parent element.
To set your preferred units of measurement for Web page layout:

  1. Click

    Window | Preferences.

  2. In the Preferences window, expand

    Web | Page Design | Layout.

  3. In the Units for Positioning section, select a value from the

    Units for Positioning list.

  4. Click

    Apply and then OK to save your changes.

    Note: Note that some browsers may not allow you to resize elements (such as text) that are measured in pixels.


Related concepts

Page layout


Related tasks

Layout pages using absolute positioning