Adding server-side includes to Web pages

SSI (server-side include) is a comment format used in Web pages that is replaced by the results of processing by the server. Servers that do not support SSI do nothing when they receive an SSI comment.

The comment format is as follows:

<!--#exec cmd="/bin/ls"-->

  1. Open a file in the Design or Split page and place the cursor in the appropriate location in the file.

  2. Select one of the following options from the

    Insert | SSI menu:

    Option Description
    Insert File Reads and displays a specified file. Select the file to be included, and specify whether it is a project path name (the

    file option) or a server path name (

    virtual option).

    Execute Command Displays the results of executing a specified command or CGI script. Specify the command name, and select the radio button that identifies the command as a command file or a CGI script.
    Show Last Update Time Displays the last time the specified file was updated. Select the file, and specify whether it is a project path name (the

    file option) or a server path name (

    virtual option).

    Show File Size Displays the size of the specified file. Select the file, and specify whether it is a project path name (the

    file option) or a server path name (

    virtual option).

    ECHO Displays the values of environment variables. Choose the variable to display from the

    Display item drop-down list. The

    Variable name displays the environment variable specified in the

    Display item field. You can specify a user-defined variable in this field when you specify

    (Custom) in the

    Display item field. You should specify environment variables that can be referenced by a CGI script as user-defined variables.

    CONFIG Specifies the formats for displaying date/time and file size. If you select the

    Specify the date and time format check box, you can choose from among the formats in the

    Display format drop-down list. If you choose the

    (Custom) option, you can define a custom format in the

    SSI format field. If you select the

    Specify the size format check box, you can select

    Byte or

    Auto. When Byte is selected, file size is displayed in bytes. When Auto is selected, file size is displayed in kilobytes or megabytes.

  3. Click OK. An SSI icon is inserted in the file.


Related concepts

Java applets in Web pages


Related tasks

Adding scripts, controls, and effects to Web pages

Inserting applets