Adding row category support to a data table

When you add support for row category to a data table, you can group specified rows by a category. The user can then expand or collapse categorized rows by clicking a twistie. For example, if you have a data table containing a row for each employee in a company, you can categorize the rows by employee location. If you then categorize all the employees in Paris, the data table displays with a twistie in the first column of the table. If you expand the twistie, all the rows representing the employees in Paris expand to display the data. When the user clicks the twistie again, all the Paris employee rows in the data table collapse.

Add and configure a data table.

To add row category support in your data table:

  1. Select the data table. The Properties view for the data table opens.

  2. On the

    Display options tab of the Properties view for the data table, click

    Add column to categorize table views. A row category column containing a twistie is added to the data table.

  3. Select the twistie icon in the Row Category column. (Make sure you do not accidentally select the column header or the column.) The Row Category Properties view (panelRowCateogry) opens.

  4. Enter a value in the Value field or click the Browse button to select a column in a data source.

    Note: Make sure that the table is already sorted by the data you are using for categorization (for example, make sure it is sorted in a DB2® table).

  5. Optionally, you can specify icons other than the twistie for expand and collapse.

  6. By default, the text next to the twistie is the value of the column you chose to use for categorization; however, you can provide your own text or combine the value of the column with your own text. If you want to customize the text used to display the categories, enter text next to

    Output value or click the button next to this field to search for a value.


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Data table components