Adding a header and footer to a data table

You can customize the way a data table displays on your Web page by adding a header or footer. A header is displayed along the top of the data table (above the column headers) and a footer is displayed along the bottom of the data table. Both span the entire table. You can drag other Faces components to the header and footer. For example, if you want a title for the table and an image next to the title, you can drag an Output component and an Image component to the header.

To add a header or footer to your data table:

  1. Select the data table on the Faces JSP page.

  2. In the Properties view for the data table, check

    Show header and

    Show footer. A header and footer are added to the data table. The header and footer are actually panel boxes into which you can drag other components. Note that a data table can have only one header and one footer.

  3. Add text or other Faces components to the header or footer. To add text, drag an Output or Output - Formatted Text component to the panel.


Related concepts

Data table components