Configuring JSF Web project preferences
Configure the JSF preferences for the workbench.
To configure JSF preferences:
- Click
Window | Preferences.
- Expand
Web. Expand
JavaServer Faces Tools.
The JSF preferences can be set on the following pages:
FacesConfig Editor
Configure the appearance of the Faces configuration editor. Faces Config Schemes
Select the schemes that determine which Faces configuration files contain navigation rules, managed beans, page code managed beans, and other artifacts. Generation Template
Generation templates determine how Faces components will access and display data on a page. If Use old page generation framework is selected, the templates specified in the Data Templates preferences page, Iterative Templates preferences page, and Method Templates preferences page will not be used.
Data Templates
Data templates determine how Faces components will access and display data on a page. These templates establish the options that display in the data wizards that you use when you drag data from the Page Data View onto a Web page. Use the templates to remove or add options to the wizard lists or change the tags that are generated when the components are added to the page. Iterative Templates
Iterative templates determine how a component will access and display iterative data, such as arrays and collections, on a page. These templates determine how the iterator component will iterate over rows of model data. Method Templates
Method templates determine how a component will access and display Java™ methods on a page. These templates establish the options that display in the data wizards that you use when you drag data from the Page Data View onto a Web page. Use the templates to remove or add options to the wizard lists or change the tags that are generated when the components are added to the page. Libraries
JSF libraries contain JAR files with JSF components and tag libraries. Add the libraries that you want to include in your Faces enabled Web project and determine which libraries are implementations so that the Web application can be published to a server. Page Code
Determine the configuration settings for the generated page code. Stylesheets
List the stylesheets that are automatically added to Faces pages. The stylesheets define classes that enable Faces components to display correctly. Validation
Determine the severity level for different validation problems. Determine the expression language validation for your Faces pages. JSP Tag Registry
JSP tag registry preferences determine the order in which tag resolvers are used when constructing the JSP tag registry.
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