Convert Number sub tag

The <f:convertNumber> tag defines how a string is converted to a Java™ value and vice versa.


Parent tags

This tag is used as a child of the following tags:



This component has no visual rendering. No HTML is rendered.


Properties and All Attributes views

The Properties view for a component shows the most common set of attributes you can set on a component, and, depending on the component, you might also see options for adding controls, actions, or other components. To open the Properties view, click

Window | Show View | Properties.

These common attributes for the Convert Number sub tag:

The All Attributes view shows a table of all the attributes you can set on a component, which includes those attributes you can access from the Properties view. To switch to the All Attributes view, click the

All Attributes icon in the upper right corner of the Properties view.

Table 1. Convert Number attributes

Attribute name



ISO 4217 currency code, applied only when formatting currencies.


Currency symbol, applied only when formatting currencies.


Flag specifying whether formatted output will contain grouping separators. Default value is true.


Flag specifying whether only the integer part of the value will be formatted and parsed.


Locale whose predefined styles for dates and times are used during formatting or parsing. If not specified, the locale returned by FacesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale() is used.


Maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output.


Maximum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output.


Minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the fractional portion of the output.


Minimum number of digits that will be formatted in the integer portion of the output.


Becomes active if you select a custom type number field. Custom formatting pattern which determines how the string should be parsed.


The type of the dialog box. A modal dialog box blocks input (keyboard or mouse) to the window under the dialog ( fill out the dialog and press OK or CANCEL before you may do anything else in the page). A modeless dialog box does not block input to the window "under" the dialog.

Note: More than one modeless dialog box may be displayed at a time. If more than one modal dialog box is displayed at a time, the boxes stack on top of each other and only the top dialog is active.