Media Player
Dragging this button onto a page will invoke a window from which several possible media player components may be selected. The selected component appears on the page.
Component at design time
Drag and drop a
Media Player component onto the page:
Media Player component varies at design time depending upon the component selected.
Component at runtime
Media Player component varies at runtime depending upon the component selected and the media file selected for that component.
The attributes for a Media Player component vary based upon what type of media player is selected from the
Select Type window, which lets you choose Generic Player, Macromedia Flash Player, or Macromedia Shockwave Player. Two additional media player types are available, Real Player and Windows® Media Player, but not from the
Select Type window. If you want to use Real Player or Windows Media Player, customize the palette to add them to the Faces components drawer:
- Right-click the palette, then select
- Scroll to the Faces components section and locate Real Player and Windows Media Player.
- Click on
Real Player, then uncheck
Hide. Repeat for Windows Media Player.
- Click
Close. The Real Player and Windows Media Player are added to the palette.
For detailed information and a list of attributes for each media player type, see the relevant documentation:
- Media - Generic A/V Player
- Media - Macromedia Flash Player
- Media - Macromedia Shockwave Player
- Media - RealPlayer
- Media - Windows Media Player