Link - Request
Generates an HTML link with a URL that can pass parameters and navigate to a page by passing a string to JSF navigation rules via a string returned from a JSF action or static action string.
Restriction: To link to a Faces JSP file from a HTML file change the referenced filename from <filename>.jsp to <filename>.faces in the HTML page. Do not rename the actual Faces JSP file extension. When you change the referenced link to a .faces extension in the HTML file, Links Builder will not work.
Properties and All Attributes views
The Properties view for a component shows the most common set of attributes you can set on a component, and, depending on the component, you might also see options for adding controls, actions, or other components. To open the Properties view, click
Window | Show View | Properties.
These common attributes for the Link - Request component display on the hx:requestLink tab in the Properties view. Additional configuration options for panel items are on the hx:requestLink>Items tab:
The All Attributes view shows a table of all the attributes you can set on a component, which includes those attributes you can access from the Properties view. To switch to the All Attributes view, click the
All Attributes icon
in the upper right corner of the Properties view.
Table 1. All Link - Request attributes Attribute name
Specifies a single keyboard key as an access key. Pressing the specified access key at runtime gives focus to this component. Pressing ALT plus the specified access key at runtime gives focus to this component (or executes the component if it is a kind of button).
Specifies the value returned when the component is clicked. The value is passed to the default NavigationHandler, that then matches the value against a set of navigation rules defined in the application configuration file.
An expression that binds the component's instance (usually a user interface component) to a bean property (usually in the backing file).
The character encoding of the resource designated by the hyperlink.
Specifies the component's direction when rendered at runtime. The values can be either:
If the direction is not specified, a direction appropriate to the encoding of the component is used.
- ltr - left to right
- rtl - right to left
The language code of the resource designated by this hyperlink.
Assigns the target frame within a frameset that a page should be loaded into when the hyperlink is clicked:
- New Window
- Same Frame
- Parent Frame
- Full Screen
Specifies the initial text value for the component displayed at runtime. Contains information to be displayed, in the form of a specified value or a pointer to a dynamic value.