Creates a standard hyperlink to a specified URL with specified label text. Dragging this button onto a page will invoke a window in which you enter the URL and optional label for the link. Selecting this component adds the hyperlink and associated output text, that is a separate editable component.
Component at design time
Restriction: To link to a Faces JSP file from a HTML file change the referenced filename from <filename>.jsp to <filename>.faces in the HTML page. Do not rename the actual Faces JSP file extension. When you change the referenced link to a .faces extension in the HTML file, Links Builder will not work.
Drag and drop an
Link component onto the page:
You are prompted to enter a URL and label for the link:
Link component looks like this on the page:
Component at runtime
Link component looks like this on the page during runtime:
Properties and All Attributes views
The Properties view for a component shows the most common set of attributes you can set on a component, and, depending on the component, you might also see options for adding controls, actions, or other components. To open the Properties view, click
Window | Show View | Properties.
These common attributes for the Link component display on the hx:outputLinkEx, Parameter, and Accessibility tabs in the Properties view. See the All Link attributes table for a complete list of attributes. Additional configuration options for passing parameters are on the hx:outputLinkEx>Parameter tab:
Table 1. Link configuration options Configuration option
Add the parameters that are passed to the action
Specifies what parameters are passed to the action by the component.
The All Attributes view shows a table of all the attributes you can set on a component, which includes those attributes you can access from the Properties view. To switch to the All Attributes view, click the
All Attributes icon
in the upper right corner of the Properties view.
Table 2. All Link attributes Attribute name
Represented in Properties view by
Accessibility>Access Key
Specifies a single keyboard key as an access key. Pressing the specified access key at runtime gives focus to this component. Pressing ALT plus the specified access key at runtime gives focus to this component (or executes the component if it is a kind of button).
Not represented
An expression that binds the component's instance (usually a user interface component) to a bean property (usually in the backing file).
Not represented
The character encoding of the resource designated by the hyperlink.
Not represented
The position and shape of the hot spot on the screen (for use in client-side image maps).
Not represented
Specifies the data type to which the value is converted. The JavaServer Faces implementation provides a set of Converter implementations that you can use to convert your component data to a type not supported by its renderer.
Not represented
Specifies the component's direction when rendered at runtime. The values can be either:
If the direction is not specified, a direction appropriate to the encoding of the component is used.
- ltr - left to right
- rtl - right to left
Not represented
The language code of the resource designated by this hyperlink.
Assigns a name to a component. Should be a unique name within a JSP.
Not represented
The language of the component's value(s) and text content. If omitted, the language is inherited from the containing tags (notably the view. Specified as an ISO-standard language abbreviation code. For example, "en" for English, "en-US" for American English, "fr" for French, "de" for German.
Note: This does not "translate" the text in the component, rather, it identifies the language of the component so that operations such as searching, sorting, collating and the like are done correctly.
Not represented
Used for declaring the media MIME type when src is bound to binary data.
Not represented
The relationship from the current document to the anchor specified by this hyperlink. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of link types.
Not represented
Can be set to true or false:
- false - Component will not be rendered to the browser at runtime.
- true - Component will get rendered. This is the default value.
Not represented
A reverse link from the anchor specified by this hyperlink to the current document. The value of this attribute is a space-separated list of link types.
Not represented
Sets the shape of the link:
- rect
- circle
- poly
Style: Classes
Space-separated list of CSS style classes to be applied when this element is rendered. This value must be passed through as the class attribute on generated markup. Defines the classes (such as style sheets) of the selected component. This may be done manually, or by clicking the button and selecting the desired Classes from within the window.
Style: Props
Specifies CSS style information for the component (for example, style="font-size : 8pt ; color : red"). Defines the properties (such as font and color) of the selected component. This may be done manually, or by clicking the button and selecting the desired properties from within the window.
Not represented
Assigns the target frame within a frameset that a page should be loaded into when the hyperlink is clicked:
- New Window
- Same Frame
- Parent Frame
- Full Screen
Accessibility>Tab order index
Specifies the position of the component in the tabbing order in the JSP. This value must be a number between 0 and 32767.
Specifies the title text, shown in browser as a tooltip at runtime. Used by a browser as the alternative text of a component if the alternative text is not specified.
Not represented
Specifies the button type, either
Reset, or
Plain .
Not represented
Specifies the URL the component should use.
Not represented
Specifies the document to which the link is connected. This can be a String containing the document filename or it can be the binary data of the document. Specifying binary data is done in conjunction with setting the mimetype attribute. The value can be a String(Base64 encoded), a byte[], or a object. When specifying binary data the value binding expression must be able to be evaluated on its own in a subsequent request back to the server by the browser for the document.