Tools for JSF development
The JSF feature provides tools that help you use JSF to develop Web applications more effectively.
JSF Palette Tools
Table 1. JSF Palette tools Drawer Description Example Standard Faces Components drawer The Standard Faces library, contains a basic set of JSF tags that are defined by the JavaServer Faces Technology specification.
Enhanced Faces Components drawer The Enhanced Faces Components drawer contains JSF Widget Library (JWL) tags, standard JSF tags, and some enhanced versions of standard JSF tags.
Data and Services drawer The Data and Services drawer allows you to drag and drop page data onto a Web page.
Custom drawer or third party library A component library contains JSF components that you can use in your Web applications to create a user interface that connects to a data source. When you add support for a library, the library tags are added to the palette. For more information, refer to Creating a custom component and Adding support for an existing component library.
JSF Wizards
To access the wizards, click
File | New | Other.
Table 2. JSF Wizards Wizard Description Faces Component Library Project A custom component library contains new and modified JSF components that you can use in your Web applications and distribute the libraries to your development team. For more information refer to Creating a custom component library. Faces Custom Component Use this wizard to create new JSF tags or modify existing JSF tags that you can use in your Web applications to create UI. For more information refer to Creating a custom component. Faces Definitions Project Use this wizard to create a project that contains support information for existing JSF libraries. For more information refer to Adding support for an existing component library. Faces Library Definition Use this wizard to add support for an existing JSF library. For more information refer to Configuring the Faces Library Definition.
JSF project facets
A project facet is a specific unit of functionality that you can add to a project when that functionality is required. When a project facet is added to a project, it can add natures, builders, classpath entries, and resources to a project, depending on the characteristics of the particular project. JSF facets define the characteristics of your JSF enabled Web application. The JSF facets specify the requirements and constraints that apply to your JSF project.
For more information about the specific JSF Facets, refer to JSF Facets.
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Developing Faces (JSF) applications