Defining security roles for enterprise applications (J2EE 1.4)

You can use the Application Deployment Descriptor editor to define security roles for your enterprise applications.

A security role is a logical grouping of principals. Access to operations (such as EJB methods) is controlled by granting access to a role. You can grant access to users individually or in groups.

For each security role that you define in the deployment descriptor editor, a <security-role> element is added to the application.xml file.

To add security roles using the Application Deployment Descriptor editor, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Enterprise Explorer view of the Java EE perspective, right-click the Deployment Descriptor for your enterprise application project and select

    Open With | Deployment Descriptor Editor to open the Application Deployment Descriptor editor.

  2. On the Security page of the editor, click


  3. Type a name and description for the new role and click Finish.

To remove a security role, select the role and click



Related concepts

Application Deployment Descriptor editor


Related tasks

Gathering security roles (J2EE 1.4)

Replacing security roles (J2EE 1.4)