Exporting Web services

You can export Web services into a compressed file that you can send to another person on your development team.

You need to share Web services if different people on your team are responsible for creating, testing, and deploying them. When you export Web services to a compressed file, other members of your team can import the Web services from the file into their own data development projects.

The compressed file includes the default generated XML schemas for the operations in the Web services, any custom XML schemas for the operations, and XSLT templates for with the custom XML schemas.

For each Web service, the compressed file also contains files in a subdirectory that is named

.metadata. Do not edit these files.


To export Web services:

  1. Open the

    Export Web Services wizard in either of these two ways.

    • Right-click the

      Web Services folder and select

      Export. Opening the wizard this way lets you export all or a selection of the Web services in the folder.

    • Right-click an individual Web service and select

      Export. Opening the wizard this way lets you export only the selected Web service.

  2. If you opened the wizard from the

    Web Services folder, validate or modify the selection of Web services to export.

  3. Specify a name for the compressed file.

  4. Click Finish.


Related tasks

Developing Web services with the workbench

Importing Web services