Editing operations

You can change the names of the operations that belong to a Web service. If an operation is based on an SQL statement, you can edit the statement. If the operation calls a stored procedure and meets certain criteria, you can generate a detailed XML schema for the operation.

If the Web service is already deployed, redeploy it if you want the changes to the operation to take effect on the Web server.

Attention: Editing an operation changes the default XML schema for the operation. If XSL transformations are already configured for the operation, the change in the default XML schema could invalidate XSLT scripts.

To edit an operation:

  1. Right-click the operation and select

    Edit to open the

    Edit Operation wizard.

  2. Optional:

    Change the name of the operation. Each operation within a Web service must have a unique name.

  3. Optional:

    If the operation is based on an SQL script, you can edit the script. For queries only (SELECT or XQuery statements), you can specify that the generated operation in a Web service retrieves a single row for the query statement. This option simplifies the XML response message structure and client development when you only need to retrieve one row.

  4. Optional:

    If the operation calls a stored procedure, and the stored procedure always returns the same result sets and always accepts the same input values, you can specify the input values.

    The workbench then runs the stored procedure to generate an XML schema that describes the result sets in detail. The richer the detail in the XML schema, the more possibilities that client applications have to manipulate result sets.

  5. Optional:

    For stored procedures, you can specify that the qualified name of the stored procedure is used. For example: myschema.mystoredprocedure.

Previous topic: Editing Web services

Next topic: Sharing Web services with members of your development team


Related tasks

Sharing Web services with members of your development team

Related information

SQL editor