Configuring WAS, Version 6 and Version 7 servers

Configuring a WebSphere® Application Server, Version 6 (all releases) or Version 7 (all releases) type of Web server involves enabling DB2® for DRDA® communication, if you are using a DB2 database, and optionally creating a JDBC provider and a data source. You can request the workbench to create the JDBC provider and data source for you.

If you are using pureQuery, also configure the application data source JDBC provider to use pureQuery to access DB2.


To configure a WAS, Version 6 or Version 7 server:

  1. If you are using a DB2 for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® database as a data source and you want to use a Type 4 JDBC connection, follow these steps in a DB2 command window:

    1. Enter the command db2set db2comm=tcpip.

    2. Use the command db2 get dbm config to check that the

      SVCENAME parameter is set to the port number that you use for type 4 connections. If the

      SVCENAME parameter is not set to the correct port number, set it with the command db2 update dbm config using svcename port_number.

    3. Stop and restart DB2.

    4. Ensure that you can connect to the database with your user ID and password.

    • If you want to create a JDBC provider and a data source manually on this Web server, continue to the next step.

    • If you want the workbench to create a JDBC provider and a data source on this Web server when you deploy a Web service, you are finished configuring the Web server. Next, add the Web server to the

      Servers view in the workbench. When you deploy a Web service, select the

      Register database connection with Web server check box on the

      Deploy Web Service wizard.

  2. Start an application server.

  3. Log in to the administration console.

    • For Linux and Windows, see "Starting and logging off the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

    • For z/OS, see "Starting and logging off the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

  4. Create a JDBC provider.

    • For Linux and Windows, see "Configuring a JDBC provider using the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

    • For z/OS, see "Configuring a JDBC provider using the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

  5. Create a data source.

    • For Linux and Windows, see "Configuring a data source using the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

    • For z/OS, see "Configuring a data source using the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

  6. Optional:

    Configure the application data source JDBC provider to use pureQuery to access DB2.

    • For Linux and Windows, see "Configuring to use pureQuery in a Java EE environment" (Version 7)

    • For z/OS, see "Configuring to use pureQuery in a Java EE environment" (Version 7)

  7. Test the connection to the data source.

    • For Linux and Windows, see "Testing a connection with the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)

    • For z/OS, see "Testing a connection with the administrative console" (Version 6 or Version 7)