Transforming output messages when input messages use the HTTP GET or POST (url-encoded) protocol

If client applications will access an operation with messages that use the HTTP GET or POST (url-encoded) protocol, you can transform messages that are returned by the Web service. The XSL transformation changes messages that are tagged according to the default XML schema to valid XML documents or into non-XML formats.

When you use the REST-like HTTP GET or POST (url-encoded) protocol, the input to an operation is a string of parameters. XSL transformations are not possible with these strings.

The following table describes the inputs to and outputs from the XSL transformations that you can configure when input messages use the HTTP GET or POST (url-encoded) protocol:

Table 1. Inputs to and outputs from the XSL transformations
  Input to the XSL transformation Output from the XSL transformation
First XSL transformation XSL transformations are not supported for messages from client applications.
Second XSL transformation Valid XML document that uses the default XML schema Non-XML document or a valid XML document that uses a custom XML schema


  1. Open the

    Manage XSL Transformations wizard by right-clicking the operation and selecting

    Manage XSL Transformations.

  2. Click

    Generate default to generate the default XML schema for the output messages. The schema also contains default information about input messages. However, you can ignore this information because you will not be transforming input messages.

  3. Create an XSL file for the transformation of output messages to non-XML files or XML files that are tagged according to a custom XML schema.

    1. Optional:

      Specify the mime type for files that the XSL transformation creates. Use the media-type attribute of the <xsl:output> tag in the XSL file.

      If you do not specify a mime type, the XSL transformation uses the following algorithm to determine the mime type:

      • If the output of the transformation is an HTML file, the mime type is set to text/html.

      • If the output of the transformation is a text file, the mime type is set to text/plain.

      • If the output of the transformation is an XML file, the mime type is set to text/xml.
    When you are finished, make sure that the XSL file is in a location that you can browse to from the workbench.

  4. Open the

    Manage XSL Transformations wizard by right-clicking the operation and selecting

    Manage XSL Transformations.

  5. Select the XSL file for the transformation of output messages.

  6. Click Finish.