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Scanning existing MobileFirst native Windows apps to prepare for MobileFirst version 8.0

The migration assistance tool helps you prepare your apps that were created with earlier versions of IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation for migration by scanning the sources of the native Windows app and generating a report of APIs that are deprecated or discontinued in version 8.0.

Before you begin

The following information is important to know before you use the migration assistance tool:

Apps that were created with earlier versions of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation are not supported in version 8.0 without some changes. The migration assistance tool simplifies the process by scanning the source files in the existing native Windows app and identifies APIs that are deprecated, no longer supported, or modified in version 8.0.

The migration assistance tool does not modify or move any developer code or comments of your app.


  1. Download the migration assistance tool by using one of the following methods:

  2. Install the migration assistance tool.

    1. Change to the directory where you downloaded the tool.
    2. Use NPM to install the tool by entering the following command:

        npm install -g

  3. Scan the IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation app by entering the following command:

      mfpmigrate scan --in source_directory --out destination_directory
      --type windows

      The current location of the project.
      The directory where the report is created.

    When it is used with the scan command, the migration assistance tool identifies APIs in the existing IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation app that are removed, deprecated, or changed in version 8.0 and saves them in the identified destination directory.

Parent topic: Migrating existing native Windows applications