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For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.

Update the Windows code

MobileFirstV8.0.0 introduces a number of changes to the Windows SDK that might require changes to apps developed in earlier versions.

Table 1. Deprecated Windows C# API elements
Category Description Recommended action
C# API Classes ChallengeHandler For custom gateway challenges, use GatewayChallengeHandler. For MobileFirst security-check challenges, use SecurityCheckChallengeHandler. For more information about the V8.0.0 challenge-handler APIs, see Client security APIs.
ChallengeHandler. isCustomResponse() Use GatewayChallengeHandler.canHandleResponse().
ChallengeHandler.submitAdapterAuthentication Implement similar logic in your challenge handler. For custom gateway challenge handlers, use GatewayChallengeHandler. For MobileFirst security-check challenge handlers, use SecurityCheckChallengeHandler.
ChallengeHandler.submitFailure(WLResponse wlResponse) For custom gateway challenge handlers, use GatewayChallengeHandler.Shouldcancel(). For MobileFirst security-check challenge handlers, use SecurityCheckChallengeHandler.ShouldCancel().
WLAuthorizationManager Use WorklightClient.WorklightAuthorizationManager instead.
WLChallengeHandler Use SecurityCheckChallengeHandler. For more information about the V8.0.0 challenge-handler APIs, see Client security APIs.
WLChallengeHandler.submitFailure(WLResponse wlResponse) Use SecurityCheckChallengeHandler.ShouldCancel().
WLClient Use WorklightClient instead.
WLErrorCode Not supported.
WLFailResponse Use WorklightResponse instead.
WLProcedureInvocationData Use WorklightProcedureInvocationData instead.
WLProcedureInvocationFailResponse Not supported.
WLProcedureInvocationResult Not supported.
WLRequestOptions Not supported.
WLResourceRequest Use WorklightResourceRequest instead.
C# API Interfaces WLHttpResponseListener Not supported.
WLResponseListener The response will be available as a WorklightResponse object
WLAuthorizationPersistencePolicy Not supported.

Parent topic: Migrating existing native Windows applications