For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Install and configure the MobileFirst Analytics Server
The MobileFirst Analytics Server is delivered as two separate WAR files. For convenience in deploying on WebSphere® Application Server or WebSphere Application Server Liberty, MobileFirst Analytics Server is also delivered as an EAR file that contains the two WAR files.
Note: Do not install more than one instance of MobileFirst Analytics Server on a single host machine. For more information about managing your cluster, see the Elasticsearch documentation.
The analytics WAR and EAR files are included with the MobileFirst Server installation. For more information, see Distribution structure of MobileFirst Server.
When we deploy the WAR file, the MobileFirst Analytics Console is available at:
For more information about how to install MobileFirst Analytics Server, see MobileFirst Analytics Server installation guide.
For more information about how to configure IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Analytics, see Configuration guide.
Parent topic: Install and configure server-side components