For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Supported topologies
Find out the topologies that are supported by the Server Configuration Tool to install the MobileFirst Server components.
The Server Configuration Tool installs the MobileFirst Server components with the following topologies:
- All components (MobileFirst Operations Console, the MobileFirst Server administration service, the MobileFirst Server live update service, and the MobileFirst runtime) are in the same application server. However, on WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment when you install on a cluster, we can specify a different cluster for the administration and live update services, and for the runtime. On Liberty collective, MobileFirst Operations Console, the administration service, and the live update service are installed in a collective controller and the runtime in a collective member.
- If the MobileFirst Server push service is installed, it is also installed on the same server. However, on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment when you install on a cluster, we can specify a different cluster for the push service. On Liberty collective, the push service is installed in a Liberty member that can be the same as the one where the runtime is installed.
- All the components use the same database system and the user. For DB2®, all the components also use the same schema.
- The Server Configuration Tool installs the components for a single server except for Liberty collective and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment for asymmetric deployment. For an installation on multiple servers, a farm must be configured after the tool is run. The server farm configuration is not required on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.
For other topologies or other database settings, we can install the components with Ant Tasks or manually instead.
Parent topic: Install with the Server Configuration Tool