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Sample configuration files for MobileFirst Analytics

IBM MobileFirstâ„¢ Platform Foundation includes a number of sample configuration files to help you get started with the Ant tasks to install the MobileFirst Analytics Services, and the MobileFirst Analytics Console.

The easiest way to get started with the <installanalytics>, <updateanalytics>, and <uninstallanalytics> Ant tasks is by working with the sample configuration files provided in the Analytics/configuration-samples/ directory of the MobileFirst Server distribution.

Step 1

Pick the appropriate sample configuration file. The following XML files are provided. They are referred to as configure-file.xml in the next steps.

Table 1. Sample configuration files provided with IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation
Task Application server
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere® Application Server Liberty profile configure-liberty-analytics.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on Apache Tomcat configure-tomcat-analytics.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere Application Server full profile configure-was-analytics.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, single server configure-wasnd-server-analytics.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, cell configure-wasnd-cell-analytics.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, node configure-wasnd-node.xml
Install MobileFirst Analytics Services and Console on WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, cluster configure-wasnd-cluster-analytics.xml

Step 2

Change the file access rights of the sample file to be as restrictive as possible. Step 3 requires that you supply some passwords. If we must prevent other users on the same computer from learning these passwords, we must remove the read permissions of the file for users other than yourself. We can use a command, such as the following examples:

Step 3

Similarly, if your application server is WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile, or Apache Tomcat, and the server is meant to be started only from your user account, we must also remove the read permissions for users other than yourself from the following files:

Step 4

Replace the placeholder values for the properties at the beginning of the file.

Note: The following special characters must be escaped when they are used in the values of the Ant XML scripts:

Step 5

Run the command:

This command installs your MobileFirst Analytics Services and MobileFirst Analytics Console components in the application server.

To install updated MobileFirst Analytics Services and MobileFirst Analytics Console components, for example if you apply a MobileFirst Server fix pack, run the following command:

To reverse the installation step, run the command:

This command uninstalls the MobileFirst Analytics Services and MobileFirst Analytics Console components.

Parent topic: Installation reference