For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Add optional iOS frameworks
MobileFirst iOS functionality is provided by a collection of frameworks that can be added to our app. Only one of these frameworks is required (IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundation). We can add optional frameworks according to the features we want to implement in your app. You reduce the size of the app by including only the frameworks required by your chosen features.
For an existing MobileFirst Xcode project , we can add frameworks manually by linking the frameworks in Xcode or by using Cocoapods.
Table 1. Optional frameworks for iOS Feature Frameworks (linked in the Link Binary with Libraries list in the Build Phases tab) JSONStore IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationJSONStore SQLCipher
In addition, import the IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationJSONStore header to our code. For more information on setup, see JSONStore.
OpenSSL openssl IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationOpenSSLUtils
For more information on OpenSSL, see Enabling OpenSSL for iOS
Push IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationPush For more information, see Push notification.
In addition, import the IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationPush header to our code.
watchOS IBMMobileFirstPlatformFoundationWatchOS. The watchOS framework requires a different structure for the Xcode project. For information on adding the watchOS framework, see Add watchOS frameworks.
- Add optional frameworks manually
We can add optional MobileFirst features to our existing MobileFirst app project. The required framework and library files can be generated by IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation by using IBM MobileFirst Platform Operations Console and added to our Xcode project. The Xcode project must be then configured correctly according to our development goals.- Add optional frameworks with CocoaPods
We can add MobileFirst functionality to our existing MobileFirst Xcode project with CocoaPods.
Parent topic: Develop native applications for iOS in Xcode