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Implementing the JAX-RS service of the adapter

To implement the JAX-RS service of the adapter, we must first implement the JAX-RS application class, then implement the JAX-RS resources classes.

Parent topic: Develop Java adapter code

Implementing the JAX-RS application class

The JAX-RS application class tells the JAX-RS framework which resources are included in the application. Any resource can have a separate set of URLs. Traditionally the application class should extend javax.ws.rs.core.Application and implement the method getClasses or getSingletons that will be called by the JAX-RS framework to get information about this application.

In the following example, a JAX-RS application defines three resources: Resource1, UsersResource, and MyResourceSingleton. The first two are provided by the getClasses method, while the last is provided by getSingletons.

Note: The example demonstrates how to write a pure JAX-RS application using getClasses and getSingletons. A quicker alternative is to use extends MFPJAXRSApplication. The MFPJAXRSApplication class scans the package for JAX-RS 2.0 resources and automatically creates a list. Additionally, its init method is called by MobileFirst Server as soon as the adapter is deployed, before it starts serving, and when the MobileFirst runtime starts up.

Implementing a JAX-RS resource

A JAX-RS resource is a POJO (plain old Java object) which is mapped to a root URL and has Java methods for serving requests to this root URL and its sub-URLs. For example:

The resource just shown is mapped to the URL /users and serves the following requests:

Table 1. Resource requests
Request Description
GET /users Gets all users list
POST /user Adds a new user
GET /users/{userId} Gets a specific user with id userId
PUT /users Updates an existing user
DELETE /users/{userId} Deletes a user with id userId

The JAX-RS framework does the mapping from the simple Java object User to a JSON object and conversely, thereby making it easier for the service developer to use without taking care of repeating conversion-related code. The implementation also helps in extracting parameter values from the URL and from the query string without having to parse it manually.

Configure protection of JAX-RS resources

A JAX-RS adapter resource is protected by default by the MobileFirst security framework, meaning that access to the resource requires a valid access token. See OAuth resource protection. We can configure the resource protection by using the @OAuthSecurity annotation to assign a custom security scope, or to disable resource protection. For a complete reference, see Interface OAuthSecurity. For detailed configuration instructions, see Configure protection of Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) resources.