For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Viewing application reviews
In the Application Center console, we can see reviews about mobile application versions sent by users.
Users of mobile applications can write a review, which includes a rating and a comment, and submit the review through the Application Center client. Reviews are available in the Application Center console and the client. Individual reviews are always associated with a particular version of an application.
To view reviews from mobile users or testers about an application version:
- Select Applications to see the list of uploaded applications: Available Applications.
- Select the version of the application.
- In the menu, select Reviews.
Figure 1. Reviews of application versions
The rating is an average of the ratings in all recorded reviews. It consists of one to five stars, where one star represents the lowest level of appreciation and five stars represent the highest level of appreciation. The client cannot send a zero star rating.
The average rating gives an indication of how the application satisfies the intended use of the application.
- Click the two arrow heads
to expand the comment that is part of the review and to view the details of the mobile device where the review is generated.
For example, the comment can give the reason for submitting the review, such as failure to install.
If we want to delete the review, click the trash can icon to the right of the review that you want to delete.
Parent topic: The Application Center console