For up-to-date product documentation, see the IBM MobileFirst Foundation Developer Center.
Application enrollment tokens in Windows 8 Universal
The Windows 8 Universal operating system requires users to enroll each device with the company before users can install company applications on their devices. One way to enroll devices is by using an application enrollment token.
Application enrollment tokens enable you to install company applications on a Windows 8 Universal device. You must first install the enrollment token for a specified company on the device to enroll the device with the company. Then, we can install applications that are created and signed by the corresponding company.The Application Center simplifies the delivery of the enrollment token. In your role of administrator of the Application Center catalog, we can manage the enrollment tokens from the Application Center console. Once the enrollment tokens are declared in the Application Center console, they are available for Application Center users to enroll their devices.
The enrollment tokens interface available from the Application Center console in the Settings view enables you to manage application enrollment tokens for Windows 8 Universal by registering, updating, or deleting them.
Managing application enrollment tokens
In your role of administrator of the Application Center, we can access the list of registered tokens by clicking the gear iconin the screen header to display Application Center Settings. Then, select Enrollment Tokens to display the list of registered tokens.
To enroll a device, the device user must upload and install the token file before installing the Application Center mobile client. The mobile client is also a company application. Therefore, the device must be enrolled before the mobile client can be installed.
The registered tokens are available through the bootstrap page at http://hostname:portnumber/applicationcenter/installers.html, where hostname is the host name of the server hosting the Application Center and portnumber is the corresponding port number.
To register a token in the Application Center console, click Upload Token and select a token file. The token file extension is aetx.
To update the certificate subject of a token, select the token name in the list, change the value, and click OK.
To delete a token, click the trash can icon on the right side of the token in the list.
Parent topic: The Application Center console