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Recovering from an unsuccessful upgrade to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0

Instructions for how to recover from a failed installation or to revert to the previous version of Worklight Server.

If the MobileFirst Server upgrade fails for any reason, use the following procedure to restore the previous Worklight Server version.

The Roll Back button of IBM Installation Manager is not supported for MobileFirst Server. Therefore, to return to the previous version:

  1. Uninstall MobileFirst Server, with IBM Installation Manager.

  2. Install the old version of Worklight Server with IBM Installation Manager, specifying the same installation parameters that we used previously.

  3. Restore the databases. See Back up the runtime and reports databases.

  4. Restore the application server. See Back up the application server.

  5. If the server fails to start and load the applications, delete workarea of the server before starting it again. For example, for a WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile backup, the workarea is the directory <LibertyInstallDir>/usr/servers/<serverName>/workarea.

Parent topic: Additional MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 upgrade information