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Update DB2 schema names in the case of a manual installation

In this step, update the DB2 schema if you are using DB2 for the runtime database or the reports database.

For the runtime database and the reports database, IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation v6.3.0 expects the schema name without surrounding double quotation marks.

Perform one of the following steps, based on your installation.

  1. WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile:

    1. Edit the server.xml file in the usr/servers/serverName directory.

    2. Look for the <properties.db2.jcc .../> element in the <dataSource jndiName="contextroot/jdbc/WorklightDS" ...> and <dataSource jndiName="contextroot/jdbc/WorklightReportsDS" ...> elements.

    3. Optional: If there are double quotation marks around the value of the currentSchema attribute, you must remove them. For example, change currentSchema='"wrkschem"' or currentSchema="&quot;wrkschem&quot;" to currentSchema='wrkschem'.

  2. WebSphere Application Server full profile:

    1. Sign in to WebSphere Application Server administrative console.

    2. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources

    3. For each database with the JNDI name jdbc/WorklightDS or jdbc/WorklightReportsDS, possibly with a suffix:

      1. Select the data source

      2. Click Additional properties > Custom properties.

      3. Select the currentSchema property.

      4. If the value is not empty, remove the double quotation marks around the value. For example, change the value "wrkschem" to wrkschem.

      5. Click OK.

      6. Click Save to save the changes.

  3. Tomcat:

    1. Edit the server.xml file in the conf directory.

    2. In the <Resource name="jdbc/WorklightDS" .../> and <Resource name="jdbc/WorklightReportsDS" .../> elements, remove the double quotation marks around the value of the currentSchema connection property in the url attribute, if this property is present. For example, change url='jdbc:db2://dbserver.example.com:50000/WRKLGHT:currentSchema="wrkschem";' to url='jdbc:db2://dbserver.example.com:50000/WRKLGHT:currentSchema=wrkschem;'.

Parent topic: Additional MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 upgrade information