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Upgrade the runtime and reports databases

You must move the data that is related to administration to the administration database. You must also upgrade the runtime and the reports databases to a schema that is compatible with MobileFirst Server v6.3.0.

Before you begin

  1. Make sure that you complete step Stop all Worklight Server instances, and that no instance of Worklight Server is still running, and therefore is still using these databases.

  2. Make sure that you complete step Installation or upgrade of MobileFirst Server Administration Services and that the administration database exists.

About this task

In this step, you run Ant scripts to perform operations on the MobileFirst Server databases.

Is this step required for the upgrade path? System status after this step, if both Application Center and MobileFirst Server are on the same application server
Worklight Server V5.0.6.x to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 Worklight Server v6.0.x to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 Worklight Server v6.1.x to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0.x Worklight Server v6.2.x to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 v6.3.0 to v6.3.0.x (fix pack or interim fix) Application Center Status MobileFirst Server Status
Yes Yes Yes Yes See fix pack or interim fix installation instructions Stopped (embedded Liberty, Liberty on Windows, Tomcat on Windows), Upgraded (Other cases) Stopped (all instances)

  1. If we upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.0.0.x, and the application server is WebSphere Application Server full profile, make sure disablingd the auto start mode for all instances of the Worklight Console application, as specified in Stop all Worklight Server instances.

  2. Locate the Ant file created in section Identify the MobileFirst WAR file and prepare the Ant deployment script.

  3. Verify that taskdef for the worklight-ant-deployer.jar uses the directory containing the upgraded installation of MobileFirst Server v6.3.0.

    In this example, check the value of the worklight.server.install.dir property because this property defines the directory of the worklight-ant-deployer.jar in the taskdef tag:

    <property name="worklight.server.install.dir" value="c:/Program File/IBM/Worklight"/>
      <taskdef resource="com/worklight/ant/defaults.properties">
          <fileset dir="${worklight.server.install.dir}/WorklightServer">
            <include name="worklight-ant-deployer.jar"/>

    Important: This verification step defines the version of IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation that we use to upgrade the databases, to deploy the WAR file, and to install the MobileFirst runtime library for the MobileFirst Operations Console.

  4. Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to product_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.8.4/.

    This version of Apache Ant is the one for which the MobileFirst deployment scripts are tested. If we do not set this environment variable before you run the script if and have another installation of Ant on your computer, that installation might be used.

  5. In the Ant file, make sure the Ant task <configuredatabase kind ="Worklight"> contains an <admindatabase> subelement.

    In the following example code, DB2 is the DBMS. The ${contextRoot} property contains the value of the context root of the project.

    <configuredatabase kind="Worklight">
          <db2 database="WRKLGHT" server="proddb.example.com"
               user="wl6admin" password="wl6pass" schema="WLRT">
            <dba user="db2inst1" password="db2IsFun"/>
            <fileset dir="/opt/database-drivers/db2-9.7">
              <include name="db2jcc4.jar"/>
              <include name="db2jcc_license_*.jar"/>
          <admindatabase runtimeContextRoot=${contextRoot}>
            <db2 database="WLADMIN" server="proddb.example.com"
                 user="wl6admin" password="wl6pass" schema="ADMIN">
              <fileset dir="/opt/database-drivers/db2-9.7">
                <include name="db2jcc4.jar"/>
                <include name="db2jcc_license_*.jar"/>

  6. Start the databases target of the Ant file with this command:

      product_install_dir/tools/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant -f the file databases

    If you created an Ant file with the own target names, the Ant task to start is configuredatabase.

This procedure loads the administration database and upgrades the database schemas for the runtime and reports databases to v6.3.0.

Parent topic: Upgrading the MobileFirst runtime environment for MobileFirst Server v6.3.0