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Upgrading to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 in a production environment

Upgrading MobileFirst Server in a production environment is a more exacting process than in the development environment because you must back up the data and prepare for the upgrade carefully to minimize production downtime. This section provides a series of steps to upgrade the production server or servers efficiently and in the shortest time possible.

When you upgrade from Worklight Server V5.0.6.x or later to v6.3.0 in a production environment, the process can be more complicated than upgrading to a new version in the development environment. The upgrade procedure can also take longer if you have existing MobileFirst applications that run in a production MobileFirst Server environment. For step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade the production MobileFirst Server to v6.3.0, see the following topics.

The documentation in the topics that follow assumes the following facts:

Important: The topics are in a specific order, and must be completed in the order shown.

The upgrade procedure can take some time, several hours in fact, and so these activities must be scheduled to create the least disruption and downtime to production servers and the applications that run on them.

The topics provide essential information about backing up any existing databases or application server data, migrating the existing MobileFirst projects and applications to the new version, and performing other preparation tasks that must be completed before you install the new version of MobileFirst Server. These preparatory steps are followed by postinstallation, verification, and configuration tasks that must be completed before you restart the new MobileFirst Server and finish migrating the MobileFirst applications.

Read through the entire set of topics before you begin the actual upgrade process to become familiar with the tasks ahead of you, what must be done, and in what order.

Start with Overview of the upgrade to MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 process, and then read through the steps under each of the major topics that follow.

Parent topic: Upgrading to MPF v6.3.0