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Manually upgrade MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 runtime databases


First set up the MobileFirst Server administration environment

To update WLREPORT and APPCNTR databases manually, instead of using Ant tasks...

  1. Update the administration database using the data migration tool.

  2. Update the WRKLGHT database schema using...

If we do not run the data migration tool first, upgrade-worklight-61-62-<dbms>.sql is likely to fail, and the WRKLGHT schema is not updated or is corrupted.

To update the WRKLGHT database manually, instead of using Ant tasks...

  1. Apply the proper sql scripts to upgrade the database to MPF v6.3.0.

  2. Comment the line that refers to the index I_USERPRF_USERID if it was already created.

  3. Run the data migration tool.

  4. Apply the proper sql script to upgrade the database from the previous version to v6.3.0.

For the WLREPORT and APPCNTR databases, apply the proper sql scripts to upgrade the database to MPF v6.3.0.

Run the data migration tool

Before you run the tool in command line, make sure the library worklight-ant-deployer.jar is in the current directory, or that the CLASSPATH variable references the directory it is in. Example on a Unix/Linux machine:

# Go the directory library  worklight-ant-deployer.jar is in 
$ cd $product_install_dir/WorklightServer
# Print usage 
$ java -cp worklight-ant-deployer.jar com.ibm.worklight.config.dbmigration62.MigrationTool usage Usage:
        java -cp worklight-ant-deployer.jar com.ibm.worklight.config.dbmigration62.MigrationTool [options]

  -p <project>                         Name of the project to create.
  -sourceurl                                 Path to the source database.
  -sourceschema                              Name of the schema of the source database.
  -sourcedriver                              Fully qualified driver class name of the source
                                             database. This driver must be in the class path.
  -sourceuser                                User name of the source database.
  -sourcepassword                            Password of the source database.
  -sourceproperty <key> <value>  Add additional OpenJPA properties to the connection
                                             of the source database.
  -targeturl                                 Path to the target database.
  -targetschema                              Name of the schema of the target database.
  -targetdriver                              Fully qualified driver class name of the target
                                             database. This driver must be in the class path.
  -targetuser                                User name of the target database.
  -targetpassword                            Password of the target database.
  -targetproperty <key> <value>  Add additional OpenJPA properties to the connection
                                             of the target database.

# Example
$ java -cp worklight-ant-deployer.jar com.ibm.worklight.config.dbmigration62.MigrationTool \
       -p /worklight \
       -sourceurl jdbc:db2://proddb.example.com:50000/WRKLGHT \
       -sourceschema WLRT \
       -sourcedriver com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver \
       -sourceuser wluser1 \
       -sourcepassword wluser1_pswd \ 
       -targeturl jdbc:db2://proddb.example.com:50000/WLADMIN
       -targetschema ADMIN \
       -targetdriver com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver \
       -targetuser wluser2 \
       -targetpassword wluser2_pswd

For MySQL databases, the schema options '-sourceschema' and '-targetschema' must be left unspecified. The name of the schema to use will be the name of the database specified in the connection URL.

SQL scripts

Before applying the sql scripts that upgrade the WRKLGHT database from the previous version to MPF v6.3.0, check whether the index I_USERPRF_USERID, in column USER_ID of the table GADGET_USER_PREF, exists. If it does, in the worklight-61-62-<dbms>.sql script, comment out the following line:

Scripts for DB2

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight V5.0.6.x to v6.0.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.0.0.x to v6.1.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.1.0.x to MPF v6.3.0:

These scripts are applied similarly to steps 4 and 6 in Set up the DB2 databases manually

If we are using Application Center, the size limit for applications stored on Application Center with IBM DB2 is 1 GB. If we have applications larger than 1 GB in the Application Center, remove them before starting the upgrade process.

Scripts for MySQL

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight V5.0.6 to v6.0.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.0.0.x to v6.1.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.1.0.x to MPF v6.3.0:

These scripts are applied similarly to step 1.b in Set up the MySQL databases manually.

Scripts for Oracle

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight V5.0.6 to v6.0.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.0.0.x to v6.1.0:

For an upgrade from IBM Worklight v6.1.0.x to v6.3.0:

These scripts are applied similarly to step 3 in Set up the Oracle databases manually.

Parent topic: Additional MobileFirst Server v6.3.0 upgrade information