Create a Test Workbench project
The tests that you create, and the assets associated with the tests, reside in a Test Workbench project. We can create a Test Workbench project in the test workbench itself, or create one when you create the project. This topic describes the steps for creating the Test Workbench project when you create the project.
For details about creating a Test Workbench project in the test workbench itself, see Create a Test Workbench project.
The IBM MobileFirst Platform Test Workbench allows testing only the mobile applications created with MPF. To test applications not created with MPF, or if we need more tools for extra testing scenarios, use the IBM Rational Test Workbench product.
- In MobileFirst Studio, select File > New > Worklight Project and follow the steps to create a MobileFirst project (see Create MobileFirst projects).
- On the last page of the project creation wizard, click IBM Mobile Test Workbench, select Create a Test Project and enter the name of the test project.
- Click Finish.
Parent topic: Test with MPF