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Export raw reports

Learn about exporting raw reports in the MPF Operational Analytics.

Raw analytics data can be exported from the MPF Operational Analytics for the following types of data:

This data can be exported through a REST API that is exposed by the MPF Operational Analytics. Currently, the supported export formats include JSON and CSV.

Export application sessions

The following example shows the format for exporting analytics data for application sessions:

If the analytics console is hosted here:

Then, session data can be exported by invoking by following link, and passing an Accept header that specifies the desired content mime type:

For example, using the curl command-line tool:

curl -H "Accept: application/csv" 
This previous curl command exports data from the tenant named worklight for all versions of the application called TestApp for the last 30 days. It returns only data for the iPhone environment, for all models of the iPhone, and only for iOS 7.0. It returns the first 100 results found and start with the first result (limit = 100, offset = 0).

Export adapter invocations

The following example shows the format for exporting analytics data for adapter invocations:

For example, using the curl command-line tool:

curl -H "Accept: application/csv" 

Export JSONStore operation data

The following example shows the format for exporting analytics data for JSONStore operation data:

For example, using the curl command-line tool:

curl -H "Accept: application/csv" 

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