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Learn about multi-tenancy in the MPF Operational Analytics.

Several MobileFirst Servers can be configured to send analytics data to the same analytics cluster. All of the data is indexed together, which means that all charts and queries that are performed on the analytics server reflect data sent from every MobileFirst Server. To use the same analytics cluster for multiple MobileFirst Servers, but also want the data to be indexed separately so that it can be searched and viewed separately, we can add a tenant.

Servers can be configured to send their data to a new tenant on the analytics cluster so the data can be viewed separately, even though all of the data lives on the same cluster.

To forward data to a different tenant, append the following format to the wl.analytics.url property on the MobileFirst Server:

For example, to send data to the default tenant, set the wl.analytics.url property as follows:

To send data to a new tenant named test, set the wl.analytics.url property as follows:

To view the analytics data for a specific tenant, append the same format to the URL for the analytics console:

Parent topic: Administration