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Data purging

Learn about data purging in the MPF Operational Analytics.

By default, data stored in the Analytics Platform is not automatically deleted. To enable automatic purging of data, the time to live (TTL) property must be set for each data type.

The TTL for analytics data types stored in the Analytics Platform can be set using JNDI properties. For more information about analytics data types, see Operational analytics.

The following table shows the TTL properties:

properties for purging data stored in the Analytics Platform. This table lists TTL property names and description for purging
Property Name Description
app_activities_ttl Time to live for app activities, such as session starts, adapter hits, and network hits.
notification_activities_ttl Time to live for notification activities, such as push notifications.
client_logs_ttl Time to live for client logs, such as client-side captured logs, and stack traces.
server_logs_ttl Time to live for server logs.

All JNDI properties must be preceded with the analytics/ string. For more information about JNDI properties, see JNDI properties.

By default, the format for the TTL is in milliseconds. TTL can also be set using a number followed by a character that represents the time interval:

The following example shows how to set the app activities data TTL to one day in milliseconds:

The following example shows how to set the client logs data TTL to five days:

The following example shows how to set the server logs TTL to one week:

The TTL properties are not applied to data that already exists in the Analytics Platform. We must set the TTL properties before we add data.

Parent topic: Administration