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Configure WAS Liberty profile for MobileFirst Server administration


In WAS Liberty profile, we configure role assignments in the server.xml configuration file of the server.

For each <application-bnd> element of each <application> element, create <security-role> elements for roles:

Map the roles to the appropriate user group names...

These groups are defined through the <basicRegistry> element. We can customize this element or replace it entirely with an <ldapRegistry> element or a <safRegistry> element.

To maintain good response times with a large number of installed applications, for example 80+, we configure a connection pool for the administration database.


  1. Edit server.xml and set...
      <security-role name="worklightadmin">
          <group name="worklightadmingroup"/>
      <security-role name="worklightdeployer">
           <group name="worklightdeployergroup"/>
      <security-role name="worklightmonitor">
           <group name="worklightmonitorgroup"/>
      <security-role name="worklightoperator>
           <group name="worklightoperatorgroup"/>
      <basicRegistry id="worklightadmin">
          <user name="admin" password="admin"/>
          <user name="guest" password="guest"/>
          <user name="demo" password="demo"/>
          <group name="worklightadmingroup">
              <member name="guest"/>
              <member name="demo"/>
          <group name="worklightdeployergroup">
              <member name="admin" id="admin"/>
          <group name="worklightmonitorgroup"/>
          <group name="worklightoperator"/>

  2. Edit the server.xml file to define the AppCenterPool size.

  3. In the <dataSource> element, define a reference to the connection manager:
    <dataSource id="WLADMIN" jndiName="jdbc/WorklightAdminDS" connectionManagerRef="AppCenterPool">

Parent topic: Assign administration roles to users and groups