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Manually configure Tomcat for MobileFirst Server administration

To configure Apache Tomcat for the MobileFirst Server administration manually, copy JAR and WAR files to Tomcat, add database drivers, edit the server.xml file, and then start Tomcat.


  1. Edit tomcat_install_dir/conf/server.xml file.

    1. Uncomment the following element, which is initially commented out: <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.authenticator.SingleSignOn" />.

    2. Declare the operations console and administration services applications and a user registry:
      <!-- Declare the administration services application. -->
      <Context docBase="worklightadmin" path="/worklightadmin">
        <!-- Declare the JNDI environment entries for the administration services. -->
        <Environment name="ibm.worklight.topology.platform" value="Tomcat" type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
        <Environment name="ibm.worklight.topology.clusterMode" value="Standalone" type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
        <!-- Declare the administration database. -->
        <!-- <Resource name="jdbc/WorklightAdminDS" type="javax.sql.DataSource" ... /> -->
      <!-- Declare the MobileFirst Platform operations console application. -->
      <Context docBase="worklightconsole" path="/worklightconsole">
        <!-- Declare the JNDI environment entries for the operations console. -->
        <Environment name="ibm.worklight.admin.endpoint" value="*://*:*/worklightadmin" type="java.lang.String" override="false"/>
      <!-- Declare the user registry for the MobileFirst Server administration.
           The MemoryRealm recognizes the users defined in conf/tomcat-users.xml.
           For other choices, see Apache Tomcat "Realm Configuration HOW-TO"
           http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/realm-howto.html . -->
      <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm"/>
      where we must uncomment and complete the <Resource> element to declare the administration database as described in one of the following sections:

  2. Copy the MobileFirst Server administration WAR files to Tomcat.

    • On UNIX and Linux systems:

        cp MF_HOME/WorklightServer/*.war tomcat_install_dir/webapps

    • On Windows systems:
      copy /B MF_HOME\WorklightServer\worklightconsole.war tomcat_install_dir\webapps\worklightconsole.war
      copy /B MF_HOME\WorklightServer\worklightadmin.war tomcat_install_dir\webapps\worklightadmin.war

  3. Start Tomcat.

What to do next

For more steps to configure the MobileFirst Server administration, see Configure Apache Tomcat for MobileFirst Server administration.

Parent topic: Manually deploy administration services and operations console