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Troubleshooting server farm configuration issues

When we start the administration services and the MobileFirst runtime environments, several exception types can be emitted in the application server logs if the configuration of the server farm is incorrect.

Invalid farm plug-in definition file

Checking farm nodes definition file <file name> failed due to the following exception: <exception>.

The validation of the farm plug-in file failed because the XML is not valid, according to the FarmSchema.xsd schema definition. The exception gives details about the element that is not valid, according to the schema definition.

We must edit the farm plug-in file, and modify the XML value that is not valid, based on the exception. Then, restart all the servers of the farm.

Server ID not unique in the farm plug-in file definition file

The ServerID <server id> is not unique in the plug-in file <file name>.

This is because the value of the ServerID attribute in the farm plug-in file is already used. Each node of the farm must have a ServerID attribute that is not already used in another node.

We must edit the farm plug-in file and make sure that all the ServerID attributes are unique. Restart all the servers of the farm.

Server ID is not set

MBeanRegistrationException "server id JNDI property is not set".

This is because in the application server configuration, the JNDI property ibm.worklight.admin.serverid is not set.

We must configure the property ibm.worklight.admin.serverid in the application server. This property must have the same value than the ServerID attribute of this node, which is defined in the farm plug-in file. Restart the application server. See Configure a MobileFirst project in production using JNDI environment entries.

administration services MBean is already registered

The administration services MBean <MBean name> is already registered on another node of the farm, which means that the JNDI property ibm.worklight.admin.serverid has the same value on other nodes.

This is because the administration services MBean is already registered under the same name on another server of the farm. The value of the JNDI property ibm.worklight.admin.serverid is the same than the one defined in another server of the farm.

You must configure the property ibm.worklight.admin.serverid in the application server. This property must have the same value than the ServerID attribute of this node, which is defined in the farm plug-in file, and must be unique among the servers of the farm. Restart the application server.

Parent topic: Troubleshooting