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MobileFirst Server components

The MobileFirst Server is composed of...

MobileFirst Server components run as web applications on an application server any of the following application servers...

For implementations that require several servers, topologies include:

MobileFirst runtime environments

The MobileFirst runtime environment runs the server side of the mobile applications...

Each runtime environment is packaged as a web application (WAR file), created using MobileFirst Studio. Each runtime environment can host one or more MobileFirst applications. Each runtime environment requires a database to host information, such as the list of devices that connect to it.

We can optionally set up a reports database to host data for usage reports.

IBM MobileFirst Platform operations console and administration services

The MobileFirst Administration component consists of two applications used for the administration of the runtime environments:

The operations console is the web-based interface for running administration tasks on the mobile application, including...

The operations console is supported by the Services application, which acts as host for REST services and administration tasks. Both the operations console and the administration services can be secured through standard Java EE security.

A single operations console can be used for the administration of several runtime environments. Administration tasks are run through JMX calls.

The MobileFirst runtime environment registers an MBean called...

Used for management of applications and adapters, devices, and push services. This MBean is intended to be used only by the administrative services, so methods in this MBean are private, and are not meant to be accessed directly. A database is required for the operations console and administration services.

IBM MobileFirst Platform Application Center

The Application Center is a private application store used to...

The Application Center is an optional component that can be installed separately from the other MobileFirst Server components.

The Application Center consists of two web applications...

A database is required for the Application Center.

MobileFirst Operational Analytics

The operational analytics feature enables searching across apps, services, devices, and other sources to collect data about usage or to detect problems. The feature is packaged as a web application. To enable the collection of analytics information, configure the runtime environment with the URL of the analytics platform.

Parent topic: Plan the installation of MobileFirst Server