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Enable user agent switching

Use the Mobile Browser Simulator to render the web applications on different mobile devices. To render the web applications with the appropriate style sheets and theme, we must enable user agent switching.

The Useragent Switcher Extension is a browser extension that provides the user agent switching feature. The Mobile Browser Simulator supports implementations of this browser extension for the following web browsers:

Useragent Switcher Extension for Chrome

The Useragent Switcher Extension emulates requests from different device-specific agents. When a web application checks the user agent on the server to create content, it is correctly simulated.

The Useragent Switcher Extension includes support for Dojo Mobile 1.7 and later. If we enabled the detect device option when you created your Dojo Mobile page, the Useragent Switcher Extension uses the automatic device detection and theme loading for Dojo Mobile to select the appropriate theme.

  1. Click Enable Useragent Switching.

  2. If the latest version of the Useragent Switcher Extension is not installed, the Install Useragent Switcher Extension dialog opens. Click Install Browser Extension. If we are using Chrome, we can download the extension from the Chrome Web Store.


We can now view the web application with the appropriate style sheets and theme in the simulated mobile devices.

Parent topic: Mobile Browser Simulator