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Create Dojo-enabled MobileFirst projects

We can create Dojo-enabled MobileFirst projects that hold all of the resources created and used when you develop a Dojo mobile application.

  1. In the main menu, click File > New > MobileFirst Project to open the New MobileFirst Project wizard.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new project.

  3. From the list of project templates, click one of the following templates to generate an application for the project. and then click Next.

    Template Description
    Hybrid Application To create a MobileFirst project with an initial hybrid application.
    Inner Application To create a MobileFirst project with an initial inner application and point to a built shell component.
    Native API To create a MobileFirst project with a Native API.
    Shell Component To create a MobileFirst project with an initial shell component application.

  4. In the Application name field, enter a name for the new application.

  5. Click Configure javaScript Libraries.

  6. In the Dojo installation section, select Add Dojo Toolkit to add the Dojo facet and Dojo support to the application. When we build a mobile web application, Dojo is included to create the native application, such as an iPhone or Android application.

  7. Specify the Dojo library project to use in your new MobileFirst project:

    Option Description
    Select an existing Dojo library project From the list of available Dojo library projects, select the library to use in the project. For example, dojoLib.
    Create a Dojo library project

    1. Click New Dojo Library to open the Dojo Library Setup wizard.

    2. In the Name field, enter a name for your new Dojo library project.

    3. Specify the version of Dojo to install.

    4. Configure how the Dojo library project accesses the Dojo Toolkit and which version of the toolkit to use:

      • Click Provided to select a Dojo Toolkit provided with the product.

      • Click On Disk and then choose one of the following options:

        • Click Archive File to select an archive file of a compressed Dojo distribution. When we click Finish, the contents of the archive file are automatically extracted into your project.

        • Click Folder to browse to the root Dojo folder in another project in the workspace.

    5. Expand the Select the Dojo components to be included in the project section and select the Dojo components to include in the project.

    6. Click Finish. The new project is now displayed as an option in the list of available Dojo library projects.

  8. Click Finish. Both the project.and the Dojo library project are created.

Parent topic: Use JavaScript toolkits for the user interface