Locate Dojo API
The Locate Dojo API dialog can be found under the Navigate menu and is enabled when a Dojo project resource is open in the active editor. It is enabled if a Dojo project resource is selected in a project explorer view.
The dialog locates the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) modules containing the API that we need. Enter the characters of the API we need, and the locator finds the AMD modules that define that API. For example, if you were to type "push" into the search box it finds all the modules containing types, methods, and field names that begin with "push".
Two actions are always provided once a module is selected. The Open action opens the JavaScript file containing the selected module. The Copy action computes the selected module's path and copies it to the clipboard.
A third action called Add is provided if a JavaScript file containing either a require() or define() function is open in the active editor. When Add is selected, the module's path is automatically inserted into the appropriate require() or define() function.
Parent topic: Use JavaScript toolkits for the user interface