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Create MobileFirst project templates

We can create MobileFirst project templates by exporting MobileFirst projects. You define metadata information, such as the name of the template, and you select the project.to use as the basis for the template.

To identify the source code that can be configured by developers who use the project.template, add FIX Me task tags in the configurable source code before you create a template.

The following limitations apply:

  1. From the Explorer view In MobileFirst Studio, right-click the required MobileFirst project, and then click Export.

  2. Expand IBM MobileFirst, select MobileFirst Project Template, and then click Next.

  3. Provide information in the fields listed in the following table, and then click Finish:

    Field Description
    Template Name Name of the project.template. Spaces are allowed.
    Author Author or provider of the project.template.
    Description Brief description of the project.template.
    Thumbnail Thumbnail image to identify the project.template. Valid file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif. Maximum size: 40x40 pixels.
    Template Archive Location and filename of the template. Valid filename extensions: .wlt and .zip.


The MobileFirst project template is created with the location and filename you specified.

Parent topic: MobileFirst project templates