Troubleshooting adding and removing application components
Whenever we add or remove an application component, the existing MobileFirst project files are backed up.
The backup of each original file is named <orig filename>.backup_<add/remove>_<component id>_<date and time>, where:
- <orig filename> is the full name of the file being modified (for example, AndroidManifest.xml).
- <add/remove> is the word "add" or the word "remove" according to the operation being performed.
- <component id> is the ID of the component being added or removed.
- <date and time> is the timestamp of the operation in the format YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.
For example, when adding the barcode scanner for the Android component, the file config.xml is backed up to config.xml.backup_add_BarCodeScannerUniqueID_20131015_190032.
Parent topic: Application components