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Extracting a public signing key

Copy the public signing key from the keystore to the application descriptor.

  1. In the Eclipse project explorer, right-click the android folder for the application and then click Extract public signing key.

    Figure 1. Extracting the public signing key

    A wizard window opens.

    Figure 2. Adding the Android public signing key

  2. In this window, enter the path to the keystore.

    The keystore is usually in one of the following directories, depending on operating system.

    Option Description
    Windows C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\.android\
    OS X and Linux ~/.android/

  3. Enter the password to the keystore and click Load Keystore.

    Password is usually android.

  4. When the keystore is loaded, select an alias from the Key alias menu and click Next. For more information about the Android keystore, see the Signing Your Applications page of the Android site at http://developer.android.com/guide/publishing/app-signing.html .

  5. In the window, click Finish to copy the public signing key directly into the application descriptor.

    Figure 3. Android public signing key


The public key is copied to the application descriptor. See the following code example:
<android version="1.0">
  <worklightSettings include="false"/>
    <testAppAuthenticity enabled="false"/>
    <encryptWebResources enabled="false"/>
    <testWebResourcesChecksum enabled="false" ignoreFileExtensions="png, jpg, jpeg, gif, mp4, mp3"/>

Parent topic: Develop hybrid applications for Android