Create an application in a MobileFirst project
With MobileFirst Studio, create different types of applications within an existing project.
We create and develop an application in an existing project.
- In Eclipse Design perspective, click File > New, and select the type of application to create:
- MobileFirst Hybrid Application
- MobileFirst Inner Application
- MobileFirst Native API
- MobileFirst Shell Component
A dialog opens, based on the type of application selected.
- Depending on the selected type of application, set the properties of the application, as described in the following sections.
- Hybrid application:
- In the field Project name, select your existing project.
- In the field Application name, set the name of the application.
- Optional: To add JavaScript libraries to the application, click Configure JavaScript Libraries, and select the check boxes that correspond to the layers that we need: jQuery Mobile, Dojo Toolkit, Sencha Touch (deprecated).
If we add jQuery Mobile to your application, and you are using Windows Phone 8, we must ensure that the following conditions are met:
- The $.mobile.allowCrossDomainPages option is set to true (in jQuery Mobile).
- An absolute URL is used for file, for example x-wmapp0:/www/default/app-pages/myPage.html.
- Inner application:
- In the field Project name, select your existing project.
- In the field Application name, set the name of the application.
- In the field Shell archive name, set the path of the Shell archive file. The path can be either absolute or relative, if a Shell archive exists within the project.
- Optional: To add JavaScript libraries to the application, click Configure JavaScript Libraries, and select the check boxes that correspond to the layers that we need: jQuery Mobile, Dojo Toolkit, Sencha Touch (deprecated).
- Native API:
- In the field Project name, select your existing project.
- In the field Application name, set the name of the application.
- In the field Environment, select the environment that we need: Android, iOS, Java ME, or WindowsPhone8.
- Shell component:
- In the field Project name, select your existing project.
- In the field Component name, set the name of the component.
- Select the check boxes that correspond to the layers that we need: jQuery Mobile, Dojo Toolkit, Sencha Touch (deprecated).
- Click Finish to save the choices.
An application of the type selected is now visible in the project. and the application descriptor opens.
Parent topic: Artifacts produced during development cycle